A nurse should be open to the patient — from the moment she meets him or her to the moment he or she is discharged. This is the rule of professional life for the nurse Iryna Ometiukh from Lviv, who has been helping patients throughout all her life and teaching nurses.
“My story began at a young age — from ‘treating’ dolls to the conscious teenage realization that I wanted to help people with my own strength and hands,” says Iryna.
Next came her responsible work in the neurological department.
“Patients with strokes and cerebral circulation disorders. Sometimes my call overwhelmed me, and I gave myself a bigger role: ‘How can they live without me, who will be there for them, who will put in an intravenous drip, who else but me?’ Experience and practice inspired me even more, and at times it seemed that no one could do what I did. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, in such situations, the main thing is not to overstep the boundaries and still act according to the protocol, not like a close relative.”
Medicine is both a medical and nursing activity. Each has its own function.
“The doctor prescribes treatment, but in practice, the nurse is with the patient the most. She takes care of the person, fulfills the doctor's prescriptions and instructions, and supports him or her.”
“Communication and partnership between a doctor and a nurse are the key to successful treatment. The doctor respects nurses for the clear performance of their duties. In fact, this is practically perceived as high-quality medical care,” explains the nurse.
Over time, Iryna’s job functions transformed, and she began to perform administrative work, being responsible for recruiting and training nurses.
Every time she trains nurses, Iryna emphasizes that the patient should feel cared for. In addition to correct prescriptions, empathy and dedication are important. When a patient is aware of care, they seem to recover faster.
“My key role, which I don't want to exaggerate or underestimate, is to lead nurses by example. Continuous development in education and training is essential for professional growth.”
“Sometimes the importance of a nurse is underestimated. I can confidently say that I definitely do not allow this on my part, but rather encourage everyone around me to raise the prestige of the nursing profession as much as possible,” says Iryna.
This approach improves the work of nurses.
“I am the nurse who can perform any nursing task, whether it is a manipulation or an intravenous drip. This shows that I am not just an ‘administrative’ nurse, but that I understand the workload of my nurses, what needs to be improved and corrected to improve their work, how to support them, and help them.”
“For me, the key is my passion for my work and I know that we have to be patient-oriented, we have to hear the person, we have to listen to them as their health depends on it.”
“The biggest challenge is that the role of a nurse is still not at a high level of prestige. For many years, we have been talking about the need to raise the prestige of the nursing profession. And one of these key criteria is the evaluation of a nurse's work and her salary.”
“Very often I visit educational institutions, at graduation ceremonies, and communicate with future nurses, invite them to work, or ask them where they see themselves, in which area of medicine. And it is a pity that, unfortunately, they often say that they won’t go to work in a hospital. This suggests that we need to change the approach to the role of a nurse.”
“Since the beginning of the war, many nurses have tried to work harder, they volunteered a lot, and tried to be useful. And it happened that after volunteering, they came to night or day shifts already tired. I said: ‘Find a balance between volunteering and rest. Having rested, you will be able to provide quality medical care and support the patient.’”
“I am always open to everyone: patients, their relatives, and healthcare professionals. And this openness comes back to me. The most pleasant thing is when patients speak sincerely about doctors, medical workers, and nurses.”
“You need to love the patient and do your best for them, not only as a patient, but as a person. The professionalism, responsible attitude and kindness of a nurse can not only treat, but also cure,” highlights Iryna.